Ms. Laura Ioana Toma, Mr. Ioan Ilieş Neamţ and Mr. Andrei-Aurel Păun, along with their accompanying teacher Mrs. Roxana Rizoiu, picked up the honours for their outstanding performance at the THEMIS finals held in Paris in early November 2012.
- Winners: Romania
- Runner-up: France 6
- Third: France
EJTN would like to thank all the countries that participated in the seventh annual THEMIS competition. The judges and the judicial institutions that have volunteered to host this year's competition are: The Thuringian Parliament, Erfurt, Germany, The National Institute of Magistracy, Bucharest, Romania and The Ecole Nationale de la Magistrature, Paris, France.
The grand final was held at the Ecole Nationale de la Magistrature, in Paris, France October 28-November 2. The eight winning teams that were selected during the two semi-finals had to write a case study (that was earlier prepared by the jury) in a limited time: Practical_case.pdf
Please find below the practical cases:
You will find here the document prepared by the members of the jury regarding the debates between teams: THEMIS_Debates_2012.pdf
Like last year, participants had to observe the presentation of their colleagues and constructively criticise their contributions. They then had to submit a written document to the jury, which was taken into account in the teams' overall scores.
Below are the observation documents:
France 2
France 4
France 6
Italy 2
The Netherlands
Romania 2
Spain 1
Spain 2
To help illustrate their debates, some teams had made slide presentations, which they graciously sent us, namely: France 2, France 4, France 6, The Netherlands 1, Spain 2. This year, the Romanian team decided to do an oral presentation without such a slide presentation support.
It was during the closing ceremony, that the members of the jury, Mrs. Joanna Ferreira, Mr. Petr Klement, Mr. John Edwards, Mr. John Hardy QC and Mr. Joachim Ettenhofer handed out trophies to all participants. |

Mr. Xavier Ronsin, the Directeur of the Ecole Nationale de la Magistrature, Paris, France and the EJTN Secretary General, Mr. Luis S. Pereira.
The winner of this year's THEMIS competition is a Romanian team. The second place was awarded to the France 2 team and third place to the France 6 team.
First place Second Place Third Place
The award winners: