Join our first 2021 lunch webinar: Precautionary principle in the management of epidemiological emergencies!
Due to the remarkable success of the EJTN 1hour lunch time webinar series in the format 1 topic/1 expert/1 hour on the impact of COVID-19 on different legal issues started in 2020, new episodes are foreseen this year!
The upcoming episode, composed of a 30 min presentation and a Q/A session, is scheduled on the 21st of January at 13:00 h CET and it is organised under the EJTN Administrative Law Portfolio offer.
Addressed to the participation of Administrative Judges but not exclusively, Professor Francesco de Leonardis will present the topic Precautionary principle in the management of epidemiological emergencies: from particular and specific measures to health advance planning policies.
The emergency unleashed by the SARS-CoV-2 virus has indeed produced a tsunami-like wave of changes not only on the medical, economic and social levels but on a legal level as well. In the current context of the epidemiological emergency, among the principles that have been used by legislators, administrators, and administrative courts, a prominent role is played by the precautionary principle and the related principle of prevention.
Taking Italy as example, the presentation proposes to move on from the idea that this principle can be applied only for the adoption of particular and specific measures, and to consider that it can also and overall be instead adopted for advanced planning policies.
Please disseminate and share this invitation and the link to join the webinar with your colleagues who are interested in the subject!
The session will be recorded. Showing up, participants accept to be visible in the chat box.
For any question please contact Giulia Carpentieri:
Main target group: Addressed to the participation of Administrative Judges but not exclusively
Topic: The precautionary principle in the management of epidemiological emergencies: from particular and specific measures to health advance planning policies.
Speaker: Lawyer Mr Francesco de Leonardis, full professor of Administrative Law and Administrative Justice at the Department of Law of the University of Macerata, Italy.
Moderator: Judge Ms Maria Laura Maddalena, Regional Administrative Court of Naples, Italy.
Learning outcomes: Upon the successful completion of this webinar, participants will be able to better understand and solve problems posed by the application of the precautionary principle.
Power Point Presentation: available here.
Click here to join the meeting