EU level meeting on Judicial Training Needs at EJTN

Thursday, January 30, 2020

In order to be successful, all training programmes must begin with a needs assessment

What kind of training do judges and prosecutors need?

50 participants from the European Commission, EJTN, other judicial training stakeholders and partners with EJTN, gathered this week for their yearly meeting at EJTN premises in Brussels to discuss and exchange views on this crucial question.

Training needs assessment is the initial stage and perhaps the most critical element of the training cycle that further comprises training objectives, plan and design of the training, implementation and evaluation of the training.

In the core part of the meeting, attendees were divided into small groups: Administrative Law, Criminal Law, Civil Law, Human Rights and Fundamental freedoms, Linguistics. The results of these workshops will be taken into account when EJTN drafts its training programme of 2021. This work is done by its five Programmes sub-working groups in their spring plenary meetings. Other input for these groups comes from a consultation of EJTN Members and feedback from judges and prosecutors themselves.  

Judicial training needs discussed at EJTN by various key actors in the field

 EJTN would like to thank its core partners, all of them key actors in their field, for attending our meeting and providing us with their valuable input:

EC’s DGs Justice and Consumers; Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs; Communications Networks, Content and Technology; Translation; Migration and Home Affairs; Health and Food Safety; Environment; Competition; European Anti-Fraud Office

CEPOL European Union Agency for Law Enforcement Training

EUFJE European Union Forum of Judges for the Environment

AEAJ Association of European Administrative Judges

IARLJ International Association of Refugee and Migration Judges

ACA-Europe Association of the Councils of State and Supreme Administrative Jurisdictions of the European Union

EJN – Criminal European Judicial Network in Criminal Matters

NADAL Network of Public Prosecutors or equivalent institutions at the Supreme Judicial Courts of the Member States of the EU

ENPE-European Network of Prosecutors for the Environment

EJN – CC European Judicial Network in Civil and Commercial Matters

GEMME European Association of Judges for Mediation

ENCJ European Network of Councils for the Judiciary

NPSJC Network of the Presidents of the Supreme Judicial Courts of the EU


Please find our current training offer in EJTN’s 2020 Calendar of training: