EJTN’s Civil law sub-working group has organised its first seminar of the year on the topic of ‘Service of documents & taking of evidence abroad’ on 5-6 February 2020 in Ljubljana, Slovenia. The seminar has been hosted by the Ministry of Justice of Slovenia in the precious Exhibition and Convention centre in downtown Ljubljana.
As the topic entails one of the cornerstones of civil justice cooperation within the member states of the European Union, the EJTN has implemented this judicial training for the fifth time since 2016.
The two daylong seminar raised awareness to the European dimension in the field of civil procedure; provided training on the EU Regulations including the relevant case law on cross-border taking of evidence and service of documents and promoted contacts between national judges from different Member States.
The seminar was designed to be practice-oriented and focused on peer and expert training. Participating judges dealt with concrete situations and were faced with real questions by means of case studies and workshops in which active participation was encouraged.
48 participants came to the judicial training representing 13 different EU member states.
The entire event was filmed, and the podcast of lectures will be made freely available on the EJTN website and disseminated to the EU judiciary by EJTN’s members.