EJTN is delighted to announce the successful implementation of its first webinar in 2020 organised by the Civil law sub-working group on the topic of ‘Intellectual Property Law in the EU – Trademarks’ on 15-16 April 2020.
The initial training was foreseen to take place at the Judicial Studies Centre in Lisbon, Portugal, however the EJTN had to react in a quick manner to the challenges and Europe wide restrictions imposed by as results of the COVID 19 epidemic.
After an intense period of preparations, the Civil Law sub-working group redesigned the agenda and advertised the training to European Judges and Prosecutors in a form of a webinar. Despite the short notice 39 participants attended the event representing 18 European Member States
As the topic entails an important legal field of the civil justice cooperation within the member states of the European Union, the EJTN has implemented this judicial training for the third time since 2017.
The webinar was streamed over two consecutive days and familiarized the participants with the EU and international slopes of the Intellectual Property Law on the domain of trademarks, in a cross-border context. It provided insights on the new specific problems arriving with the up-rise and development of digital societies; it also brought training on the main ruling of the Brussels I (recast) Regulation on jurisdiction and the recognition and enforcement of judgments in civil and commercial matters with a special focus on trademark cross-border litigation.
The webinar focused on providing relevant information on case law and tools for the exercise of rights in the trademarks field; it encouraged and promoted contacts between national judges from different Member States with a view to the strengthening of a common space of justice in Europe.
The European added value of the webinar was enhanced by the precious collaboration with the experts from the EU Observatory on Infringements of Intellectual Property Rights (EUIPO) based in Alicante, Spain.