EJTN continues implementing its training curricula online

Wednesday, June 03, 2020

During the month of May 2020, the EJTN continued to successfully adjust to the new challenges imposed by the restrictions of the Covid-19 epidemic, in maintaining its training curricula as foreseen, thus implement numerous judicial trainings online in form of webinars.

The following five judicial trainings were offered to EU magistrates:


-        Linguistic portfolio: Legal Language training in cooperation in criminal matters – 11-14 May 2020

In May, from 11-14, the Linguistics portfolio held a seminar online entitled Legal language training in cooperation in criminal matters. Seminar was originally planned to take place in Bordeaux.  The training hosted 2 groups of attendees, one group in English language and another one in French. 14 participants took part in this interactive online seminar and benefited from exchanging experiences and practicing their language skills in the online setting.


-        Criminal Justice Seminars: Economic crimes: asset recovery and confiscation in the EU – 12-13 May 2020

A webinar on Economic crimes: asset recovery and confiscation in the EU was broadcasted on 12-13 May. The webinar was offered to those who were interested in the face-to-face training event initially scheduled to be held in Thessaloniki, Greece. The course helped practitioners to get the support they need during these extraordinary moments of the pandemic.

The webinar aimed at increasing the understanding and common approaches on financial investigations, confiscation and criminal assets recovery; to discuss practical use of legal instruments in this area; and to facilitate cooperation between the judicial authorities of the Member States as well as with international organizations and EU agencies.

The online event gathered 34 delegates and 5 speakers representing 19 Member States. Feedback from participants was outstanding and certainly the learning outcomes were accomplished.

-        Civil Justice Seminars: ‘Consumer Protection in the EU’ – 13-14 May 2020

The judicial training on Consumer Protection, initially foreseen to be organised in Barcelona, was held in an online form of a webinar.

The training raised awareness of the application of the EU principles of effectiveness, proportionality and dissuasiveness in the area of consumer protection; explained the role of the Court of Justice in the interpretation and application of consumer law.

The webinar was led by 5 expert speakers and hosted 43 participants representing 15 Member States. The training focused on interaction between parties as participating magistrates had the possibility to ask direct questions from panellists.

-        Administrative Law Portfolio: EU Migration Law – 14 May 2020 and EU Environmental Law – 25-26 May 2020

Two on-line classrooms have been taken place in May under the EJTN Administrative Law Portfolio offer.

31 participants from 12 Member States and 1 Western Balkan country attended the first part of the training on EU Migration Law and proactively participated in the analysis and discussion on practical cases covering the topic of Labour Migration of EU Citizens and Third Countries Nationals.  The second part of this training will take place on the 12th of June.

On the 25th and 26th of May, 25 participants from 11 different Member States attended the on-line training on EU Environmental Law. Practical cases on the topics of the Air Quality Legislation, the Waste and Water Framework Directives have been object of the discussion.

Both On-Line Classroom sessions aimed at discussing the background material and video-lectures prepared by the experts and shared with participants before the events. The use of interactive tools (polls and breakout rooms), the analysis of practical cases and the assessment of participants’ knowledge remain a priority during the on-line trainings as well. The EJTN does not renounce its learning by doing methodology!  


Building on the valuable and positive feedback of attendees, the EJTN continues to implement its training curricula online, ensuring the continuity of professional exchanges between European magistrates as well as enhancing mutual cooperation and trust.