EJTN Administrative Law Portfolio
EJTN Webinar Series on “Jurisprudence Updates: Most important decisions of the European Court of Justice relevant for Administrative Judges”
4 Episodes scheduled in October 2020 at 11.30 h Brussels time:
- The 7th: CJEU case law on the field of Tax Law
- The 14 th: CJEU case law on the field of State Aid
- The 20th: CJEU case law on the field of Environmental law
- The 27th: CJEU case law on the field of Data Protection
The European Judicial Training Network (EJTN ) is glad to announce the upcoming webinar series organised under the EJTN Administrative Law portfolio offer. Four episodes will take place during the month of October on “Jurisprudence Updates: most important decisions of the European Court of Justice relevant for Administrative Judges”.
The goal of this webinar series is to provide with a wide spectrum of the most recent developments of the case-law from the European Court of Justice in different fields of interest, especially for Administrative Judges: Tax Law, State Aid, Environmental Law and Data Protection.
Each episode will foresee the participation of leading experts and practitioners in the field, who will guide participants through the most important recent cases.
Registering once allows to follow all the four webinars. Missed episodes will be accessible online.
Each webinar will be held always at 11.30 h Brussels time and last 1h and 15 minutes as follows:
- 15 minutes introduction
- 45 minutes presentation
- 15 minutes for questions and answers.
7th of October 2020
CJEU case law on the field of Tax Law
PowerPoint Presentation
Ms. Katerina Savvaidou, Assistant Professor at the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
Ms Evgenia Papadopoulou, Senior Judge, Head of the Administrative Court of First Instance on Thessaloniki
14th of October 2020
CJEU case law on the field of State Aid
PowerPoint Presentation
Mr Marco Botta, Research Fellow, European University Institute (Florence), Affiliated Research Fellow at the Max Planck Institute for Innovation and Competition (MPI), (Munich), senior lecturer at the Law Faculty of the University of Vienna (Austria)
Ms Rosa Perna, Judge at the Administrative Court of Rome, Research and Training Department of the Administrative Justice
20th October 2020
CJEU case law on the field of Environmental law
PowerPoint Presentation
Ms Esperança Mealha, administrative judge at the administrative court of appeal of Oporto and now legal secretary (référendaire) of the Portuguese judge at the General Court of the Court of Justice of the European Union
Mr Fernando Duarte, Judge at the Administrative Court of Appeal of Oporto and Trainer at the Judicial School of Lisbon
27th of October 2020
CJEU case law on the field of Data Protection
PowerPoint Presentation
Mr Marko Jurić, Professor at Zagreb University
Ms Senka Orlić-Zaninović, Judge at the High Administrative Court of Croatia
The webinar series page and its registration link are accessible here: https://meet51996584.adobeconnect.com/october/event/event_info.html
Please circulate this message and the registration link with your colleagues who could be interested!
For any question concerning this project, please contact Ms Giulia Carpentieri giulia.carpentieri@ejtn.eu