On Wednesday 16th and Thursday 17th September, the Exchange Programme organised its second online study visit with the Hague Conference on Private International Law (HCCH). For two afternoons, ten judges dealing with family law cases took part in this activity proposed in the framework of the 2020 Exchange Programme.
An established visit of the Exchange Programme…
It was the third time that the Exchange Programme organised this study visit with the HCCH. After a general overview of the HCCH, its objectives and its organisation, the speakers introduced some of the major Conventions of the HCCH and their practical applications:
- 1980 Child Abduction Convention
- 1996 Child Protection Conventions
- 2007 Child Support Convention
- 2007 Protocol on the Law Applicable to Maintenance Obligations
- 1993 Intercountry Adoption Convention
A specific case study was designed on the 1980 Child Abduction Convention to allow participating judges to have a concrete understanding of this Convention. The participants were invited to comment and interact on hypothetical cases designed by the HCCH.
… turned online.
Initially planned to take place at the HCCH premises in the Hague, the study visit has been turned into an online format: a new challenge, which proved to be a great success thanks to the involvement of the members of the HCCH. Despite the unusual format, the participants enjoyed the session very much and learned valuable knowledge that will be useful in their daily practice.
EJTN intends to reconduct the study visit at the HCCH in its usual face-to-face format in 2021.