EJTN is delighted to announce the successful implementation of its second webinar in 2021 on the civil law topic of ‘Intellectual Property Law - Trademarks & designs’.
Due to the current challenges provoked by worldwide Covid – 19 pandemic and its third wave, EJTN continues to provide its activities in the virtual space. With one year experience in converting onsite events into online events, this shift came naturally and once again delivered formidable results.
The webinar was attended by more than 35 participants, representing 15 European Union Member States and Bosnia and Herzegovina.
The 8 experts provided up to date insights amongst other on the Court of Justice of the European Union jurisprudence (Cofemel case), as well legal insights on the Copyrights and related rights in the Digital Single Market CDSM Directive.
The panel was truly European, with experts from the Supreme Court of Italy, German Federal Court of Justice, Norwegian Board of Appeal for Industrial Property Rights as well as the European Union Intellectual Property Office.