“Access to Justice in Times of Pandemic”– Next 1hour webinar of EJTN

The EJTN 1hour lunch time webinar series in the format 1 topic/1 expert/1 hour on the impact of COVID-19 on different legal issues continues!
Please disseminate and share this invitation and the link to join the webinar with your colleagues who are interested in the subject!
Expert: Jose Duarte Coimbra, Guest Lecturer - University of Lisbon/Law Faculty
Moderator: Fernando Duarte, Judge at the Administrative Court of Appeal, Member of the EJTN Sub-working group for Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms
The PPT presentation is avaliable here:
Jose Duarte Coimbra - Access to Justice in Times of Pandemic Presentation
The webinar recording is avaliable on MS Stream via this link
The full recording can only be viewed by authorized users so you would need to sign in via your Microsoft account