Long-term training periods

Organised on an individual basis for judges and prosecutors from different nationalities at the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU), the European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR) and Eurojust, long-term traineeships allow for an in-depth immersion of the participants into the work of the host institution.

The duration of long-term trainings varies depending on the host institution:




6 or 10 months

12 months

3 or 4 months


Interested? To take part, you must apply to the annual Exchange Programme call for applications (every autumn). Read the dedicated call for applications page to keep updated about exchange opportunities under the Exchange Programme.


EJTN Secretariat is pleased to provide support in the framework of your long term traineeship. Please contact Mr Armin Schelle and Ms Camille Durez (ExchangeProgramme(at)ejtn.eu) should you have any questions.

Please find below a summary table of the study visit practicalities.



 At the latest 1 month before the starting date of the activity, the participant must:

  1. Read carefully the General Conditions, the Financial Conditions and Frequently Asked Questions
  2. Make his/her travel arrangements
  3. Complete the Registration form online via the link received by email
  4. Check with his/her employer that he/she will remain covered during the whole training period by the social security scheme applicable to the concerned national administration and that the latter will support the health expenses incurred abroad
  5. Make sure that he/she is insured against accident, death and invalidity risks


 At the latest 2 weeks before the starting date of the activity, EJTN:

  1. Pays the participant his/her 1st instalment of per diem allowances normally 2 weeks before the starting date of the long term training period.
  2. Sends information on the reporting documents that need to be provided during and after the traineeship



 Throughout the entire activity, the participant shall:

- respect the terms and conditions of the programme (training schedule, content).

 Half of the time into the exchange, the participant must*:

- Send in their mid-term report on the activity

- Provide a mid-term certificate of attendance, provided that the exchange continues in the following year.

- Provides continuous support and information about the administrative
of the exchange.
- Upholds contact with the hosting institution about the ongoing traineeships.



 Within 1 month after the activity, the participant must:

  1. Upload the following documents on the EJTN Exchange Programme platform via the link received by email:

    1. FINAL REPORT duly completed**

    2. CERTIFICATE OF ATTENDANCE issued by the hosting institution, stamped and signed

  2. Complete the ONLINE EVALUATION FORM on the Exchange Programme platform

  3. Send the ORIGINAL OF THEIR CERTIFICATE OF ATTENDANCE BY POST to the following address

 European Judicial Training Network (EJTN)
 Finance Unit, Long Term Training Periods
 Rue du Commerce, 123
 B-1000 Brussels

 *please consult the GUIDELINES ON REPORTING


 Within 3 months after the activity and provided that the file is complete, EJTN makes the final payment of outstanding per-diem allowances to the participant.

 * rules on mid-term reporting only apply for exchanges longer than five months

 ** EJTN Secretariat strongly recommends the participants to keep a copy of all the original documents sent.