Team Romania 2 wins at the THEMIS 2014 finals !
- Team Romania 2 wins the 2014 THEMIS competition!
- Team France 4 as runner-up and Team Spain 1 in third place.
- 8 teams representing 6 different nationalities participated in the competition.

Congratulations to team Romania 2, the winners of the 2014 THEMIS competition! Mrs. Sabina Cotoara, Mr. George Lazar, Mrs. Stela Pelican and team coach Mrs. Roxana Rizoiu won the honour for the team's outstanding performance at the THEMIS finals held in Poland, 2-7 November 2014.

Team Romania 2
Mr. George Lazar, the Director of the KSSIP, Judge Leszek Pietraszko, Mrs. Sabina Cotoara and Mrs. Stela Pelican, the accompanying teacher, Mrs. Roxana Rizoiu and the EJTN Secretary General, Judge Wojciech Postulski.
In all, the eight teams of Austria, France 2 and France 4, Italy, the Netherlands, Romania 1 and Romania 2 as well as Spain participated in the finals. While the calibre of all teams was exceptional, the competition's jurors announced the best three teams:
- Winners: Romania 2
- Runner-up: France 4
- Third: Spain 1

Team France 4.
Mr. Wojciech Postulski, Judge, EJTN Secretrary General, Mr. Edward Baugniet, Mr. Xavier Ronsin, EJTN Steering Committee, Mr. Manuel Munoz, Mrs. Anna Michaut, Mrs. Murielle Goure and Dr. Angelika Fuchs (Juror).

Team Spain 1
Mrs. Elena Gutierrez Martinez, Mrs. Marta Garcia Gomez and Mr. Jose Maria Asencio Gallego.
Creative way of thinking
As with all THEMIS grand final championships, each team worked hard during the week-long event to prepare a written paper in a limited time.
Please find below the legal practical questions that was earlier prepared by the jury: Legal_practical_questions.pdf as well as documents prepared by each team:
You will fnd here the document prepared by the members of the jury regarding the debates between teams: Themis_Debates.pdf
During the competition, participants had to observe the presentation of their colleagues and provide constructive feedback of these contributions. They then had to submit an observation file to the jury, which was taken into account in the teams overall scores.
Please find here the observation documents: Observation_files.pdf
 The Chairman of the jurors, Mr. Carlos M.G. de Melo Marinho
Many thanks EJTN thanks the four jury members, Mr. Carlos M.G. de Melo Marinho (Portugal), the Chairman of the jury, Dr. Angelika Fuchs (Academy of European Law-ERA), Mr. Rimvydas Norkus (Lithuania), Professor Agnieszka Gora-Blaszczykowska (Poland).
EJTN wishes to warmly thank the competition's Polish hosts. Judge Leszek Pietrasko, the Director of the Polish National School of Judiciaray and Public Prosecution as well as his team, Mr. Grzegorz Borkowski, Head of the International Cooperation, Mrs Anna Mendel and Mrs. Olga Binert-Mielko who accepted to host this 9th Edition of the Themis Competition in the Co-operation Department.
In honour of the winners, the THEMIS 2015 grand finals will be held in autumn 2015 in Bucharest, Romania from 26 to 30 October 2015. |
Photos of the teams

Team Austria 1
Mr. Wojciech Postulski, Judge, EJTN Secretary General, Mrs. Barbara Prant, Mrs Kathrin Astner, Mrs Veronika Tiefenthaler, Mrs. Tschurtschenthaler and Dr. Angelika Fuchs, Juror.

Team France 2
Mr. Wojciech Postulski, Judge, EJTN Secretary General, Mrs. Valérie Grenier, Mr. Romain Lemoel, Mr. Thibaut Spriet, Mrs Bertille Dourthe, Mr Xavier Ronsin, EJTN Steering Committee, Mr. Rimvydas Norkus, juror.

Team Italy 1
Mrs Viola Nobili, Mr. Amleto Pisapia, Mr. Luca Perilli and Mrs. Donatella Palumbo.

Team Netherlands 1
Mr. Wojciech Postulski, Judge, EJTN Secretary General, Mr. Leons Plas, Mrs Disa Jironet-Loewe and Mrs Angela Klaver and Professor Agnieszka Gora-Blaszczykowska, juror.

Team Romania 1
The EJTN Secretary General, Judge, Wojciech Postulski, Mr. Stefan Tudorel, Mr. Mihnea-Valentin Stoicescu, Mr. George-Octavian Nicolae, Mrs Nitica Malina and Professor Agnieszka Gora-Blaszczykowska, juror.
EJTN is grateful for the generous financial support of the European Commission. As the proud organiser of the annual THEMIS competition, EJTN is confident that this long-running event aimed for future magistrates will help bolster a lasting common European space of justice.

The THEMIS 2014 family photo during the visit of the Wieliczka salt mine.
The main aim of the THEMIS project is to bring together future magistrates from different European countries at a time when they are undergoing entry level training to enable them to share common values and to exchange new experiences and discuss new perspectives in areas of common interest.
The project also aims to develop abilities related to the future profession of the participants, such as communication skills, debating abilities, critical and analytical thinking, logical reasoning and proper legal writing. Furthermore, THEMIS is intented to foster the development of professional contacts, experiences and relationships between both the entry-level trainees in magistracy and their teaching staff.