EJTN would like to thank all the countries that participated in the sixth annual THEMIS competition, the judges and the judicial institutions that have volunteered to host this year's competition are: The “ENM”; (l’Ecole Nationale de la Magistrature ), the “Centro de Estudos Judiciarios” (Portugal), the “SSR” (Studiecentrum Rechtspleging).
The EJTN is pleased to announce that the winner this year is a French team. The
second place was awarded to the Hungarian team and third place to the Italian team.
The first semi-final A was held at the ENM offices in Bordeaux, France, between the 25 to 27 May 2011. Each participating team must submit a written brief on one of the two categories selected for their semi-final.
Below are the documents written by the teams:
The second semi-final B took place in Lisbon, Portugal between 27 June and 1st July 2011. Each participating team must submit a written brief on one of the two categories selected for their semi-final.
Below are the documents written by the teams:
The final
The final was held in the Netherlands, in Amsterdam from October 2 to 6 in the "Mood" - Business Centre. The eight winning teams that were selected during the two semi-finals had to write a case study on the spot in a short time that was prepared by the jury: Practical_Case.pdf
Please find below the practical cases:
Like last year, participants had to observe the presentation of their colleagues and constructively criticize their contribution. They then had to submit a written document to the jury that was taken into account in their final mark. Themis_Debates.pdf
Below are the observation documents:
It was during the closing ceremony, that the members of the jury, Mrs Diana Mihaila, Mrs Marie Linton, Judge Victor Hall, Mr Puig Blanes Francisco de Paula and the REFJ Secretary General, Mr. Luis S. Pereira handed out trophies to all participants. Mrs Rosa Jansen handed out a trophy to the winning team, a prize specifically designed to last.