THEMIS 2006-2009

This page provides information about the THEMIS competions from 2006 to 2009.

EJTN thanks the Centro de Estudios Judiciarios (CEJ) and the National Institute of Magistracy (NIM)  for having kindly provided the information below:

List of winners of previous editions !


Germany-Magistrate's Ethics and Deontology:

  • Mr. Friederike Munz
  • Ms. Elisabeth Kremer
  • Mr. Anselm Rodenhaussen

Portugal-Republic-International Judicial Cooperation in Civil Matters:

  • Ms. Isabel Maria Salgueiro De Freitas Gomes
  • Ms. Liliana Sofia Novais Capela
  • Mr. Nuno Miguel Laranjeiro De Lemos Jorge

Romania-Interpretation and Application of the European Convention of Human Rights:

  • Mr. Dragos Bujorean
  • Ms. Alexandra Lancranjam
  • Ms. Elena Blidaru

Denmark -International Judicial Cooperation in Criminal Matters:

  • Mr. Nicolas Roy Bonde
  • Ms. Henriette Vincens Nielsen
  • Janne Holstein Andersen


France-Magistrates’ Ethics and Deontology:

  • Mrs. Maud Parmentier
  • Mrs. Djamila Medjaed
  • Mr. Flavien Fouquet

Portugal-Interpretation and Application of the European Convention of Human Rights: 

  • Mr.António Leitão Ferreira
  • Mrs.Maximiano Fernandes Vale
  • Ms. Susana Jales

Czech Republic-International Judicial Cooperation in Civil Matters:

  • Ms. Jana Glogarová
  • Ms. Lenka Kulhánková
  • Ms. Radka Suchá

Romania-International Judicial Cooperation in Criminal Matters:

  • Ms. Elena Bidaru
  • Ms. Lavinia Ezer
  • Ms. Adriana Nemeş


Information will be published soon.


Oral presentation:

Romania:Paul Pricope 

Belgium:Ignace Van Daele

First Prize - Best Individual Performances
Portugal -Written papers: Winner

  • Ana Paula Rodrigues Pereira
  • Carla Cristina Ribeiro Mendonça
  • Rita Albuquerque Santos Queiros