The Civil Law activities aim to strengthen EU justice professionals by offering seminars in civil judicial cooperation and in a vast scope of civil law subjects (such as family law, labour law, European civil procedure and commercial law).
The Civil Law activities, launched in 2011, aim to strengthen judicial training in civil justice cooperation among EU justice professionals. The Civil Law events aim to improve judicial cooperation in civil law matters and focuses on the participating countries' legal systems and judicial culture as well as the main aspects of EU law.
The Civil Law training events are open to judges and prosecutors across all EU Member States. The events cover a vast scope of civil law subjects, including these topics:
- Service of documents & taking of evidence abroad
- Insolvency law
- European civil procedure in family law matters
- Cross-border labour law
- Brussels I regulation – jurisdiction and the recognition and enforcement of judgements in civil matters
- Protection of consumers right in the light of the EU law
- Conflict of laws in contractual matters (Rome I. and II.)
Over the past nine years, 43 Civil Law seminars have been held and over 2000 judges have been trained in various civil law topics. Several trainings have been broadcast live as webinars and subsequently transformed into podcasts.
The civil law sub-working group is proud to announce the successful implementation of seven webinars in 2020 organised on various topics covering cross-border judicial cooperation in civil matters.
The group with the support of the EJTN Secretariat had to react in a quick manner to the challenges and Europe wide restrictions imposed as results of the COVID 19 epidemic.
After an intense period of preparations, the Civil Law sub-working group revised its training curricula and implemented numerous training in a shorter and comprehensive form of a webinars.
In addition, the civil portfolio also offered two ‘lunch break’ webinars, one on a very current topic of Insolvency law in times of pandemic.
The group kept its 'traditional webinar series' as well entailing the ‘Matrimonial property Regulation’ an important cornerstone of civil justice cooperation within the member states of the European Union.
Up to 10 two-day training events will be implemented in 2021 on key issues associated with civil law:.
For any queries regarding the Civil Law Project, please contact Mr Daniel Graur at the EJTN Secretariat: daniel.graur@ejtn.eu