The EJTN Catalogue of Members' Activities has existed since 2003. It is a wide catalogue of training activities organised and selected by EJTN’s Members and offered to the entire judiciary of the EU Member States.
The EJTN Catalogue of Members' Activities promotes various judicial training events within the EU Member States, integrating the activities organised by EJTN’s Members. The seminars offered by the judicial institutions and co-financed by the European Union, are all aimed at European judges and prosecutors.
In 2015, EJTN put in place a Scholarship Fund, allowing the funding of individual judges and prosecutors to attend training abroad. The Scholarship fund's ultimate aim is to allow the European judiciary to learn about both EU and national law useful for them in their daily activities.
The Catalogue of Members' Activities are all EU Law-related and consider various topics, including:
- Administrative Law
- EU Civil Law
- EU Criminal Law - European (General) and International Law
- Forensics
- Human Rights
- Judicial Skills
- Linguistics
- Professional Practice
- Society Issues
- Teaching Methods
In 2019, 143 seminars addressing a wide array of law topics were offered by 17 EJTN Member judicial institutions. A total of 1120 foreign participants attended the 2019 Catalogue of Members' Activities l programme.
Judges and prosecutors express a continued interest to follow the various seminars organised by EJTN's Catalogue General as it represents real added value for their professional lives.
All 150 Catalogue of Members' Activities training events, along with EJTN's other training events, are entered in EJTN's searchable database at: http://www.ejtn.eu/Catalogue/EJTNs-searchable-database/
For any queries regarding the Catalogue of Members' Activities please contact Mr. Georgios Klis at the EJTN Secretariat: georgios.klis@ejtn.eu