Administrative Law

The EJTN Administrative Law Portfolio foresees a large offer and designs and implements high-quality and practical trainings for the EU judiciary in an array of areas. The EJTN Administrative Law Sub-Working Group (SWG) works to develop best practices and methodologies to design dynamic half-a-day seminars with the aim of training Administrative Law Judges, Prosecutors, Trainers and Judicial Professionals in Europe. Depending on the structure of each seminar and the experts involved, different teaching methods are used in such trainings: framework lectures, working group sessions where participants discuss practical cases and exchange views on their domestic legislation and the application of the relevant EU Law, interactive workshops, moot court simulations and projection of videos and material.


EJTN's Administrative Law trainings seek to bring together administrative law judges, prosecutors and trainers and provide participants a unique opportunity to exchange experiences and best practices with their counterparts across Europe, as well as to discuss the most recent developments in their field of professional interest with leading experts and practitioners. All trainings include a set of framework lectures and multiple workshops where participants discuss practical cases and exchange views on their domestic legislation and the application of the relevant EU legal instruments. 


Since its creation in 2011, Administrative Law has expanded its curriculum to include a rich set of trainings in fields as diverse as:

  • EU Administrative Law and Procedure
  • EU Data Protection and Privacy Rights
  • EU Environmental Law
  • EU Preliminary Ruling Procedure
  • EU Asylum Law 
  • EU Public Procurements
  • EU Competiton Law
  • EU Migration Law
  • EU Antitrust Law
  • Alternative Dispute Resolution in Administrative Law
  • Electronic Communication Law


In 2019, 307 judges, prosecutors and judicial trainers from 28 different Countries - EU MS + Western Balkans states (AL, BA, ME, MK, RS and XK) - took part in the 10 trainings offered under EJTN Administrative Law. 

In 2020, EJTN has faced the challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic situation by continuing its seminars in a new format and making them accessible to all participants accross the EU with the great help of its Experts, Activity Coordinators and support of its Members.

EJTN’s Administrative Law trainings provided for 11 trainings ( 1 face to face event and 10 online classrooms) attended by EU practitioners and from Western Balkans. A four episodes webinar series has been also implemented. 

Despite the pandemic context, the online trainings and webinars received a very positive feedback from the attendees and were highly appreciated by justice practitioners with great added value for their professional development.



A total of 10 seminars in the field of EU Administrative Law are scheduled for 2022, each open to judges, prosecutors and judicial trainers from all EU Member States. Applications are handled through National Training Institutions. 

Date  Place  Title  Activity reference

2-3 March 

Rome, Italy

Basic notions on Antitrust Law


22-23 March 

Thessaloniki, Greece

Eu Tax Law


7-8 April

Lisbon, Portugal

EU Migration Law 


27-28 April 

Rome, Italy

Digitaization in Administrative Law 


10-11 May

Lisbon, Portugal

EU  Asylum


29-30 June

Zadar, Croatia

EU Data Protection and Privacy Rights


27-28 September

Trier, Germany

EU Environmental Law


19-20 October

EUCJ, Luxembourg

EPreliminary Rulling Procedure


15-16 November Trier, Germany

EU Public Procurement 


29-30 November 

Thessalonki, Greece

Digital Market in Compeititon Law 


 3 Additional on-line training activities are foreseen in 2022 under the EJTN Administrive Law Portfolio and will cover the below-mentioned topics. The dates of the events and the application procedure (nominations/deadlines and registration) are indicated in the respective activity web-page:  


For any queries regarding the Administrative Law Portfolio, please contact Ms Eunice Litu at the EJTN Secretariat: