The Judicial College
The Judicial College (formerly the Judicial Studies Board) is an independent judicial body and part of the Judicial Office for England and Wales. It draws its funds, staff and much of its corporate support directly from the Ministry of Justice. The Lord Chief Justice and Senior President of Tribunals are responsible for the provision and sponsorship of judicial training, within resources provided by the Lord Chancellor.
The College provides high quality training for salaried and fee-paid judges in the exercise of their jurisdiction in civil, criminal and family law and in a wide variety of tribunals, which include some within Scotland and Northern Ireland. It advises the Lord Chief Justice on the policy for and content of training for lay magistrates. The College promotes close European and international co-operation in judicial training matters and has established an International Committee for that purpose.
The College is governed by a Board supported by a number of committees. The chairman of the Board is Lady Justice Rafferty, a member of the Court of Appeal. In order to maintain and reinforce judicial independence the fundamental principle underlying the College’s work is that training is provided by judges for judges.
The College’s administration is provided by approximately 70 civil servants and its budget for 2014-15 is approximately £10 million.