EJTN also has Observers representing EU accession states, other EU states and EU institutions. Observers may partake in EJTN’s projects and help to shape its endeavours.
Shkolla e Magjistraturës
(Pranë) Fakultetit Gjeologji Minierave,
Tel: +355 (0)4 2468825 and +355 (0)4 2468827
Fax : +355 (0)4 2468826
E-mail: info@magjistratura.edu.al
Bosnia and Herzegovina
Public Institution Centre for Judicial and Prosecutorial Training of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina
Halida Nazečića 4
Tel: + 387 33 56 25 50
Fax: + 387 33 44 54 75
E-mail: cestfbih@cest.gov.ba
Centre for Judicial and Prosecutorial Training of Republika Srpska
Vojvode Stepe Stepanovića 60
78 000 Banja Luka
Republika Srpska
+387 51 430420
+387 51 434040
E-mail: sekretar@rs.cest.gov.ba
Georgia: High School of Justice
19 Nodar Bokhua st.
Tbilisi, 0131, GEORGIA
Tel: (+995 32) 238 11 61
E-mail: info@hsoj.ge
Website: www.hsoj.ge
North Macedonia:
Academy for Judges and Public Prosecutors
Blvd. Jane Sandanski 12, Iamela 2
1000 Skopje
Tel: +389 2 2401 560
Fax: +389 2 2401 570
E-mail: info@jpacademy.gov.mk
Website: www.jpacademy.gov.mk
Moldova: National Institute of Justice
1 S. Lazo Str.,
Tel.: +373 22 23 27 55
Fax.: +373 22 23 27 55
E-mail: inj@inj.gov.md
Website: www.inj.md
Montenegro: Judicial Training Centre
Jovana Tomasevica 2
81000 Podgorica
Tel: +382 20 201 890/201 891/201 893
Fax: +382 20 201 892
Website: coscg@t-com.me
Norway: Norwegian Courts Administration
Dronningens gt. 2, P-Boks 5678 Sluppen
NO - 7485 Trondheim, NORWAY
Tel.: +47 73 56 70 00
Fax.: +47 73 56 70 01
E-mail: postmottak@domstoladministrasjonen.no
Website: www.domstoladministrasjonen.no
www.domstol.no www.jordskifte.no
Serbia: Judicial Academy of the Republic of Serbia
Judicial Academy of the Republic of Serbia
48, Karadjorjeva Street
Belgrade, SERBIA
Tel.: +381 11 2183 316
Fax.: +381 11 2183 276
E-mail: nenad.vujic@pars.rs
Website: www.pars.rs
Switzerland: Foundation for the continous training of Swiss Judges
Foundation for the continous training of Swiss Judges
Mr dr Dominique Creux, President
Kirchstr. 19
8414 Buch am Irchel, SWITZERLAND
Tel.: +41 21 316 15 11
Fax.: +41 21 316 13 28
E-mail: info@iudex.ch
Website: www.iudex.ch
Ukraine: National School of Judges of Ukraine
120 A Zhylianska street
Kyiv 01032, UKRAINE
Tel.: +380 44 597 09 3
Ukraine: Prosecutor's Training Center of Ukraine
Yuriia Illienka St, 81-b,
Kyiv 04050, UKRAINE
Tel: +380 44 206 00 53
United Kingdom – England & Wales: Judicial College
102 Petty France
London SW1H 9AJ
United Kingdom
Tel: +44 203 334 0333
Website: http://www.judiciary.gov.uk/
United Kingdom – Northern Ireland: Judicial Studies Board for Northern Ireland
2nd Floor
Royal Courts of Justice
Chichester Street
BT1 3JF Belfast
Northern Ireland
Tel.: + 44 (0) 2890 725904
Website: https://www.judiciary-ni.gov.uk
United Kingdom – Scotland: Judicial Institute for Scotland
Parliament House
11 Parliament Square
Edinburgh EH1 1RQ
Telephone: +44 (0)131 240 6930
Email: judicialinstitute@scotcourts.gov.uk
Council of Europe
The Lisbon Network
Council of Europe
Directorate General of Legal Affairs
Division for the Judiciary and Programmes
Avenue de l'Europe
F-67075 Strasbourg Cedex
Tel: +33 39 021 5456
European Institutions
Commission Européenne / European Commission
DG Justice and Consumers
Emmanuelle Cretin-Magand
Policy Officer
DG Justice and Consumers
European Judicial Training - Unit B2
Rue Montoyer 59
MO 59 03/51
B- 1049 Brussels
Tel: +32 2 29 56 875
E-mail: emmanuelle.cretin-magand@ec.europa.eu
The European e-Justice Portal: https://e-justice.europa.eu