Swedish Prosecution Authority
There are about 1,350 employees within the Swedish Prosecution Authority. 900 are prosecutors while the remainder work with various support functions. There are 32 public prosecution offices spread throughout Sweden. The Head Office is situated in Stockholm.
The Training unit consists of 10 employees. Apart from the head of training, there are four training experts of whom two are prosecutors on two-year contracts. One of the training experts is responsible for blended learning and for producing films and one is responsible for the methodology used in the training activities. Five administrators are responsible for administrating the training activities.
The Training center has an advisory board where the Deputy Prosecutor-General is President and the members are managers at different levels in the organisation. The council meets four times a year. The board gives general directions for the training activities and supervises the quality of training activities
The Training unit provides introductory training for all employees, basic training for prosecutors and administrative staff, further education for all, and management and leadership training for managers at all levels. The basic training for prosecutors consists of 15 weeks of teacher-led training over 3 years.
In 2015 the Training unit arranged approximately 100 different training activities. All training activities are administered in a learning management system (LMS), which was implemented in 2011. At the time, a majority of the training activities are teacher-led classroom courses, but the intention is to increase the use of blended learning.
In 2016 the Training unit started producing web-TV. The plan is to produce programmes four times a year. The content is news within the legal area, and the intention is that employees at the offices watch the programmes together and discuss the content.

Swedish Prosecution Authority
Box 5553
114 85 Stockholm
Tel: (Switchboard) +46 10 562 50 00
Website: https://www.aklagare.se