The Centre for Legal Studies (CEJ) is a national autonomous body within the Ministry of Justice, regulated by its own rules approved by RD 1276/2003.
The CEJ is the Spanish institution in charge of the training of most bodies of the justice administration, except judges. Namely, CEJ provides training activities to public prosecutors, court clerks, state lawyers, forensic surgeons and some other public servants involved in the justice administration (i.e. assistant staff).
In order to improve their competences and skills in their work, the CEJ offers seminars, conferences, scholarships, study visits, language courses, training projects and publications.
Two basic lines of work are developed: initial training and ongoing training. The initial training courses are part of the recruitment of public prosecutors, court clerks and forensic surgeons.
Its activities are guided by an annual work programme which contents its priorities is prepared in association with different actor and stake holders.
The CEJ does not have full-time teachers. The teaching is given mainly by public prosecutors, court clerks, state lawyers, forensic surgeons, and judges but also by university teachers, usually with a practical approach.The trainees are chosen by public call for proposal each year.
As an autonomous body, the Centre has its own legal capacity, its own budgetary capacity and it can develop the activities it consider more interesting for the students it is in charge of, such as establishing relationships and cooperation with similar institutions of another countries, Universities and Colleges and professional associations.
The Centre also carries out a decentralized training plan, and develops international co-operation in the field of judicial training, not only in Europe but also in South America (as a member of the RECAMPI network, among others) and with Africa.
To carry out its duties the Centre has two directive organs, a Council and a Director. The President of the Council is the Minister of Justice. The Director is appointed and dismissed by proposal of the Minister of Justice, and is the legal representative of the Centre. The current Director is Antonio Zárate Conde.
In 2007, the budget of the Centre in the year rose to 13,927,487.96 €. The CEJ employs 52 people. In 2007, the total amount of courses increased to 721, with 7,964 participants, which are distributed, according to gender, 3,978 men and 3,986 women.
The Centre is located at the University campus in Madrid.
For further information go to
Centro de Estudios Jurídicos Ministerio de Justicia Juan del Rosal, 2, 28071 Madrid Tel.: +34 91 455 16 71 Fax: +34 91 549 62 77 Website: |