Parquet général
As in other EU Member States, in Luxembourg both judges (magistrats du siège) and public prosecutors (magistrats du parquet) are members of the same professional body.
The court system is made up of three "Justice de Paix", two "Tribunal d'Arrondissement", one "Cour d'Appel" and one "Cour de Cassation". There is one "Tribunal administratif" and one "Cour administrative" for disputes concerning administrative matters.
The control of the constitutionality of the laws is ensured by the "Cour constitutionnelle".
The initial and the ongoing judicial studies and training of judges and public prosecutors is, since a law from 7 june 2012 (loi sur les attachés de justice), overseen by a Committee also responsible for the recruitment.
In substance this is purely an ad hoc Committee consisting of 7 senior magistrates (the General Prosecutor, the President of the Court of Appeal, the President of the administrative Court of Appeal, the President of the administrative Court of District, the President of the Court of District, one Prosecutor and one Prosecuting Attorney). It has no designated Staff or Office. The activities of the Committee are confined to assure the participation of magistrates from Luxembourg in judicial training, in conferences, in seminars and in lectures concerned with legal topics organised by outside bodies such as, Judicial Institutions, Academies, Universities, Law Associations and other interest groups.
The Ministry of Justice provides funds for judicial training selected by the Committee and has reached an agreement with the French Ecole Nationale de la Magistrature, with the Judicial Training Institute in Belgium and with the German Richterakademie.
Parquet général
Cité judiciaire
Bâtiment CR
L-2080 – Luxembourg
Tél: +352 475981 329
Fax: 00352 470550