The Consiglio Superiore della Magistratura (High Council for the Judiciary - C.S.M.) is the self-governing body for Italy's ordre judiciaire, comprising ordinary (civil and criminal) judges and procureurs.
Its competence is based upon Articles 104 and 105 of the Italian Constitution, as well as on Law n. 195 of 24 March 1958 concerning "Establishment and organisation of the Consiglio Superiore della Magistratura". C.S.M. is responsible - among other matters - for providing the Italian School for the Judiciary (see above), on a par with the Ministry of Justice, with yearly guidelines concerning the continuous training programme, as well as for some aspects of recruitment of members of the judiciary, whose initial training is organised by the School (see above) according to directives of C.S.M. C.S.M. also appoints some members of the Board of the School, whereas other members are appointed by the Ministry of Justice.

Consiglio Superiore della Magistratura Piazza Indipendenza, 6 IT-00185 Rome Italy Website: