The judiciary of Hungary is an independent and impartial third branch of power of the state. In Hungary, justice shall be administered by the following courts: The Curia, the regional courts of appeal, the regional courts, the district courts and the administrative and labour courts.
The National Office for the Judiciary (NOJ) has fulfilled the duties of the central administration of the courts with special consideration to the independency of judges since the 1st of January 2012. Its main goal is to support the courts in fulfilling their constitutional duty to finish procedures on a high level of professional competence and within reasonable time. By the optimalisation of technical and human resources and by guaranteeing better access to justice furthermore by develop the training system of the judiciary for judges and for the court staff we aim to have the legal disputes of citizens decided by transparent courts, highly responsible judges in an efficient procedure.

National Office for the Judiciary (NOJ) Visiting address: HU-1055 Budapest, Szalay u. 16. Postal address: HU-1363, Pf.: 24. Central phone: +36 1 354 4100 Fax: +36 1 312 4453
E-mail: Website:
The Hungarian Academy of Justice is a unique institution in the Hungarian history based on European standards. Our legal system intends to offer high quality and effective education to the members of the Hungarian judiciary. Relying on the Academy’s institutional potential, its main goal is to support the functioning of the courts with a scientific and educational centre of European standards. The Hungarian Academy of Justice – as it symbolizes the third branch of power – works for further strengthening the Hungarian justice system.
Despite its short history the Academy has already achieved success and reputation with its interactive trainings and trial simulations. The modern complex of the Academy also contains a hotel and a restaurant. The Academy works under the supervision of NOJ as its external unit.
Hungarian Academy of Justice (HAJ) Visiting and postal address: HU-1122 Budapest, Tóth Lőrinc u. 6. Central Phone: +36 1 487 6700 Fax: +36 1 487 6761
E-mail: Website: