Finland: National Prosecution Authority, The Office of the Prosecutor General

National Prosecution Authority, The Office of the Prosecutor General

The National Prosecution Authority is, independently and autonomously, responsible for organising the prosecutorial activities in Finland. The Office of the Prosecutor General is the central administrative unit of the National Prosecution Authority.

There are about 550 employees within the Finnish Prosecution Authority of which 390 are Prosecutors.

The Office of the Prosecutor General is responsible for all judicial and other training for prosecutors and personnel of the Prosecution Authority. In the Administrative Support Unit of the Office of the Prosecutor General three persons are working in the Training team: a Training manager, a Training planner and a Training coordinator.

The purpose of the training program is to maintain and develop professional skills and competences, promote best practices, find better working methods and processes and improve the quality of the work and well-being at work.

The Prosecution districts gather the training needs from their districts and in the Office of the Prosecutor general State Prosecutors will analyse these needs and plan the one-year training programme together with the Training team.

Individual courses are planned and designed by different planning groups, which are composed by State Prosecutors and Specialized Prosecutors and training experts. Planning groups define and decide more precisely the target of the course: it’s topics, methods and content

Annually the Training team offers around 90 course days for basic and advanced training, which translates into about 1.800 participant days.





Office of the Prosecutor General

Head of Training Pia Meri

Lintulahdenkuja 4 A, 0053 Helsinki, Finland

Tel. +358 29 562 0837

GSM +358 50 533 3488

