L’Institut de formation judiciaire (IFJ)
Law and statute
The Judicial Training Institute (JTI) is a young Belgian institution, and has been founded by the law of 31 January 2007. It commenced its activities on 1 January 2009.
The JTI has been founded under the form of a parastatal ‘sui generis’ of which the structure guarantees the independency of the magistracy and allows the JTI to autonomously identify and to organise training courses for the personnel member of the judiciary.
Moreover, the statute enables a coherent approach and vision regarding training.
This autonomy, however, doesn’t mean the JTI unilaterally (or in isolation) identifies the appropriate or necessary training. On the contrary, the JTI supports an extensive involvement of respective stakeholders, so that they could make their observations known to the JTI.
The JTI is composed of three organs:
- The direction;
- The governing board; and,
- The scientific committee.
As an independent federal body, the JTI wants to contribute to a quality justice by developing in an optimal way the professional competences of the magistrates and the personnel members of the judiciary in a European perspective.
In order to develop those professional competences, the JTI distinguishes itself from other training institutions in its training courses: aside from the initial training, it organises hands-on training courses that no other organisation offers.
The JTI wants to become the reference body by promoting a learning culture that valorises the skills and competences of its target audience by sustaining permanently its need to adapt.
The JTI offers magistrates and the personnel members of the judiciary a diverse training offer, basis training offers, management courses, international exchange programmes,...
By offering these training, the JTI want to upgrade the skills of each member of the Judiciary in order to realise an efficient and effective Justice at the service of the citizen.
To achieve this objective, the JTI tends to offer hands-on and tailor-made training offer.
Hands-on and tailor-made training offer
The mission of the JTI goes beyond 'providing education', but is increasingly about supplying 'tailored competence development', which is only possible by integrating different forms of teaching and guidance, and focusing on critical competences.
The JTI has to provide the means for individualised development paths based on the empowerment of those involved, integrating different forms of learning.

Institut de Formation Judiciaire
Avenue Louise 54
1050 Brussels
E-mail: info@igo-ifj.be
Website: http://www.igo-ifj.be